Blockchain Explorers
Blockchain Explorers allow you to see everything happening on the blockchain. You can search specific transactions, blocks, addresses, stake pools, and more.
Cexplorer (opens in a new tab): Explorer with simple-to-use features.
CardanoScan (opens in a new tab): Fully-featured Cardano explorer.
- (opens in a new tab): Cardano visualizer and search tool to see live blocks.
- (opens in a new tab): Visual blockchain explorer to search pools, wallets, NFTs, and more.
CF Explorer (opens in a new tab): Created by the Cardano Foundation (opens in a new tab) for enterprise users.
AdaStat (opens in a new tab): Full features including options to change language and currency.
AdaPools (opens in a new tab): Lightweight version of Cexplorer (opens in a new tab).
Script Explorer (opens in a new tab): Explore visual representations of simple or complex transactions.
CardexScan (opens in a new tab): Real-time view of all trades happening on the Cardano blockchain.
Raw Cardano (opens in a new tab): Made for developers because it returns results in JSON, which is useful in programming.
Blockchair (opens in a new tab): Universal blockchain search engine that works with many blockchains.
3xpl (opens in a new tab): Multi-blockchain explorer that supports Cardano.