What is Staking?

What is Staking?

Staking is a key element to the operation of proof-of-stake networks like Cardano. It aligns incentives to ensure Cardano's security.

Users enjoy staking on Cardano because they receive recurring ADA rewards. To stake your ADA you will point your wallet's ADA to a stake pool. This step is also known as 'delegating'. When you delegate your ADA it never leaves your wallet so it always remains in your full control.

Staking is like a vote of confidence for a stake pool that you trust to operate well and make good decisions for the Cardano network. The more ADA that is delegated to a stake pool, the more frequently they can produce blocks. When a stake pool produces a new block they receive an ADA block reward that is automatically distributed between them and the people that delegate to them.

Cardano's staking mechanism is one of the simplest and safest in cryptocurrency. It has been thourougly researched and tested to ensure high security and 24/7 network operations. You can read more about staking on Cardano here (opens in a new tab).

Cardano Staking Guides